1 : The input allelic mutation, PPML accepted the mutation's format as 'c.728G>A'.
2 : The formate example of input mutations.
3 : Submit for the prediction of PKU phenotype.
Tips: the PPML only accept the mutations in PAH gene.
1 : Input: The allelic mutations were input.
2 : Record: Allelic mutations associate with PKU phenotype by case database.
3 : Prediction: PKU phenotype predicted by machine learning method.
4 : Links Info: The hyperlinks of allelic mutations to other important database.
Tips: In the link information, it does not find the corresponding mutation information in another database, it does not click.
1 : The classification of PKU phenotype by blood PHE values.
2 : Classification of phenotypes corresponding to different PHE value ranges.
1 : The input mutations in PAH gene
2 : The formate example of input mutations.
3 : Submit for the prediction of PKU phenotype.
1 : Input: The input mutation.
2 : Network linkage: The mutations associate with PKU phenotype linkages informations.
4 : Links Info: The hyperlinks of mutation to other important database.
1 : linkage network
2 : Calculate the hub phenotype of input mutation.
ID : Case ID
Allele 1 : The mutation in PAH genes.
Allele 2 : The mutation in PAH genes.
Blood Phe : The case blood PHE value.
Phenotype : PKU phenotype classified by PHE values.